Providing legal power or sanction; an enabling resolution. 予以法律上的权力或者认可;授权决议。
Kill without legal sanction; by a mob. 不经法律的允许而被杀害;用于乌合之众。
Religious and legal sanction 宗教与法律上之认可
The legal or administrative sanction providing for legal aid panel listing; 为法律援助名册赋予法律或行政制裁;
To prohibit or place under an ecclesiastical or legal sanction. 禁令禁止或为宗教或法律所禁止。
To prohibit or place under an ecclesiastical or legal sanction. Ms. Aguilera is seeking an injunction to stop the sale of the album. 禁令禁止或为宗教或法律所禁止克莉丝汀正在申请法院禁止令,希望能阻止该专辑上市。
Anybody or the organization have no right to cause the behavior which drains to the state asset to the court to file the lawsuit, causes this kind of behavior legal sanction can not obtain due legal sanction. 任何人或组织对导致国有资产流失的行为无权向法院提起诉讼,使这类行为得不到应有的法律制裁。
However, as great changes have taken place in Chinese political and economic fields, the administrative compulsory measure of reeducation through labor has evolved into a legal means of sanction placed on the same par with criminals 'forced labor reform. 但随着我国政治、经济等方面发生的巨大变化,劳动教养这一行政强制措施,也已逐步演变成为一种与对罪犯进行强制劳动改造相提并论的法律制裁手段。
The article discusses the standardization of the state enterprise corporations system reform from functional separation between government and enterprise, legal person administer institution, corporation management in accordance with law and legal sanction against illegal practice. 选取政企分开、法人治理机制的运作、公司行为法律化管理和对改制中违法犯罪行为的法律制裁四个角度探讨国企公司制改革如何规范化的问题。
Many offenders of corruption take advantage of no extradition treaty between China and some developed countries and run away with the illicit money for evasion of legal sanction. 国内很多贪污犯罪嫌疑人利用我国与一些发达国家之间没有签订引渡条约,乘机逃往国外而逃避法律的惩罚。
Procedural sanction is aimed at investigator, procurator and judge whose conduct runs counter to legal procedure and its basic sanction is to announce the trial null and void. 程序性制裁所针对的是侦查人员、检察人员和审判人员违反法律程序的行为,并以宣告诉讼行为无效为其基本制裁方式。
By letting judicial organs undertake the disadvantageous results caused by illegal behaviors which breach the legal litigation procedure, the criminal procedural system of sanction restricts the procedure-breached behaviors and provides rights relief to victims. 刑事诉讼中的程序性制裁,通过使公检法机关的违反法定诉讼程序的诉讼行为,承担不利的法律后果的方式,遏制程序性违法行为,为受害人提供权利救济。
When we adopt the legal sanction, we need adopt the manner of interested compensation. 在采用法律制裁的责任方式的同时,也需要采用功利补偿的方式。
Legal procedure of disciplinary education sanction is a general unity of implementing methods, steps and orders executed by educational administrative department. 教育行政处罚程序是教育行政部门实施教育行政处罚的方法、步骤、顺序的总称,包括一般程序、简易程序和听证程序。
Studying the evidence discovery system of Euramerican civil litigation by way of party's mode and judicial mode, we can learn a lot for improving our system from foreign civil procedures such applicable law case, discovery scope, judicial authority and legal sanction. 从对当事人主义与职权主义诉讼模式下的欧美民事诉讼证据开示制度的研究中,我们可以在适用案件、开示范围与程序、法院职权以及制裁措施等方面得到我国相关制度几点改进启示。
The Essence and Legal Sanction of Local Protectionism 地方保护的实质与法律制裁
Comment on Commercial Libel Act and Civil Legal Sanction 论商业诽谤行为及其民事法律制裁
The legal sanction is a deadline, which is legal control. 而内幕交易法律制裁是控制体系中最后一道防线,是内幕交易法律控制的核心。
On Illegal CI Acts and Their Legal Sanction 论不正当竞争情报行为及其法律制约
The public opinion sanctions usually will produce supplementary sanctions, such as the discipline sanctions, the administration sanctions, legal sanction etc. 舆论制裁往往会产生附带性制裁,如纪律制裁,行政制裁,法律制裁等。
Stipulating that refusing to appear in the court is illegal act jeopardizing the criminal legation order, giving corresponding legal sanction; 规定拒绝出庭作证是一种妨害刑事诉讼秩序的违法行为,并给予相应的法律制裁;
But it cannot be ignored that there exists severe deficiency in the legal relief system regarding invalid marriages, which is adverse to the protection of legal marriages and sanction of illegal ones. 但是不容忽视的是我国无效婚姻的法律救济制度存着严重的缺失,不利于对合法婚姻的保护和对违法婚姻的制裁。
Ecological security is the basic material conditions for one country's existance and development. The behavior of destroying it, which will do great harm to society, should get the legal sanction. 生态安全是一个国家生存和发展最基本的物质条件,破坏生态安全的行为会产生严重的社会危害性,理应受到法律的规制。
In order to protect the system of merchant transaction, the civil legal sanction should be perfected. 只有立足于《民法通则》,对商业诽谤行为予以民事法律制裁,才能够全面完善对商事主体的保护,维护正常的商业交易秩序。
The counter investigation act is the offenders or relevant personnel of criminal act and economic crime implement in the stage of criminal activity and investigation in order to conceal consequence of breaking laws and escape legal sanction, which interfere the investigation. 反侦查行为是指在刑事犯罪和经济犯罪中的作案人或相关人员在实施犯罪活动阶段以及侦查阶段,为了掩盖违法犯罪后果,逃避法律制裁所实施的对侦查工作具有干扰性的行为。
We should set up strict legal liability, including administrative disciplinary measure and economical sanction and pursuit of criminal punishment. 应建立严格的法律责任,包括行政处分、经济制裁和追究刑事责任。
Because patents can bring considerable economic benefits, it is easy to become the object of tort. Damages is a legal sanction for a violation of the law, Infringement of property rights or Personal rights. 由于专利权能够带来可观的经济利益,很容易成为侵权的客体。
The lack of contract credit is not only immoral but also illegal. Persons who are without faith should bear the condemnation from moral principle as well as legal sanction. 契约信用的缺失行为,不仅是不道德的,也是违法的:失信者不仅要承担道义上的谴责,而且还要承担法律上的制裁。
A mandatory legal sanction and accountability system is even one of the Prerequisites for the existence of a legal system. 强制性的法律制裁和责任追究机制更是法律制度得以存在的重要条件。
The civilized society forbids by not the civilization punishment evil conduct, initiates by the legal means sanction crime. 文明社会禁止以不文明手段惩治恶行,倡导以法律手段制裁犯罪。